How to Make Your Own Infused Pre-rolls

If you're a cannabis enthusiast looking to take your smoking experience to the next level, creating your own infused pre-rolls at home can be a rewarding and customizable option. Infused pre-rolls combine the convenience of a ready-to-smoke joint with the added potency and flavour of cannabis concentrates. 

We'll walk you through the steps to make your own infused pre-rolls, allowing you to tailor the experience to your preferences and explore new horizons in cannabis consumption.

Gather Your Materials

To make infused pre-rolls at home, you'll need the following materials:

  • Cannabis flower of your choice

  • Cannabis concentrate (such as wax, shatter, or oil)

  • Rolling papers or pre-rolled cones

  • Grinder

  • Dab tool or small spoon

  • Optional: Mixing tray or clean surface for blending

Choose Your Cannabis Strains

Select your desired cannabis strains for both the flower and concentrate. Consider the flavours, aromas, and effects you enjoy. This is an opportunity to experiment with different strains and create unique blends that suit your preferences.

Prepare the Concentrate

If your concentrate needs decarboxylation (activation of THC), follow the instructions provided by a decarboxylation guide specific to your concentrate type. This step is essential to convert non-psychoactive THCA into psychoactive THC.

Blend the Concentrate and Flower

Grind your cannabis flower to a consistency suitable for rolling. In a mixing tray or on a clean surface, combine the ground flower with the decarboxylated concentrate. The ratio will depend on your desired potency, but a good starting point is 0.2-0.3 grams of concentrate for every 0.5 grams of flower. Use a dab tool or small spoon to distribute the concentrate throughout the flower evenly.

Fill and Roll the Pre-Rolls

Take a rolling paper or pre-rolled cone and gently fill it with the infused blend. Ensure the distribution is even, leaving space at the end to twist or seal the joint. Use your fingers or a rolling machine to shape the pre-roll, applying gentle pressure to create a firm, uniform product.

Cure and Store

Allow your infused pre-rolls to cure for a short period, typically 24-48 hours, in a cool and dry place. This process helps the flavours meld together and ensures a smoother smoking experience. Once cured, store your infused pre-rolls in an airtight container, away from light, heat, and humidity, to maintain their freshness and potency.

Enjoy Responsibly

When it's time to enjoy your infused pre-rolls, remember to consume responsibly and in moderation. Start with a small amount and gradually increase your dosage as desired. Pay attention to the effects and potency, allowing yourself time to gauge how the infused pre-rolls affect you.

Final Notes

Making your own infused pre-rolls at home allows you to personalize your cannabis consumption experience, exploring unique blends and flavours that align with your preferences. By combining high-quality flower, concentrates, and optional terpenes, you can create infused pre-rolls that elevate your smoking sessions. Remember to consume responsibly, and enjoy the process of crafting your customized infused pre-rolls. So, gather your materials, unleash your creativity, and embark on an exciting journey of homemade cannabis enjoyment!
